Monday, August 30, 2010


Score card
Score sheet 1 of 2

Score sheet 2 of 2
Team 1
McKinley Oswald, Brandon Wallace, Cameron Stewart, Dan Roth
Team 2
Randy Shirts, Phil Shirts, Derek Shirts, Dee Shirts

Team 3
Dave North, Kyle Mott, Jim Fincher, Don Moyer
Team 4
Brett Schroeder, Steve Schroeder, Randy Hulbert, Reese Hulbert
TEam 5
Bart Watts, Josh Black, Derek Muse, Steve Pinckney
Team 6
Jeff Labrum, Cameron Sabin, Chris Call, Ken Adamson
Team 7
Mike Novakovich, Andy Weeks, Tom Weeks, Tim Weeks
(May not be in order)
Team 8
Pam Richwine, Jessica Allen, Sonia Lynn Larson, Hilary Weeks
Team 9
Vern Larson, Henry Larson, Kendall Lyman, Phil Hitz
Hurry up! We're on the tee!

I'll take your bet! I don' think you can knock that tree down!
I'm the man! I'm the man!

Wow! This is one huge green!

Tell me again, where's the hole?

Just putt it. I'll knock in in with he leather club!

The cover's coming off this one!

I give up! It's your turn!

I'm going to pound this ball into the ground!

Oh please!

This is really frustrating!

I'll give it the one-two punch!

That one looks like trouble!

Were we supposed to take out the flag first?

Here lie many a golf ball!

What a view!

Here we go!


How far did that ball bounce off the tree?
I knew I should have brought my saw!

That pin is a long ways over there!

Come on! Knock it in!

Have you tried standing closer to the ball?
Do you breathe in or out when you swing?

If I don't drop the first one in I'll try the second ball!

Where did that pin go?

We left it wide open for you!

Which ball is going to win the race?

Sing to it, Hilary!

I hate finishing first - the wait is so long!

Who added up our score anyway!

I couldn't stop crying!
Why are we standing out here?

I know I put the goodies here somewhere!

Wake up over there!

C'mon guys! Cheer up!
Okay, we've waited long enough!